Activity 3: Contribution of Teacher Inquiry Topics to my Communities of Practice
Create a reflective entry where you critically reflect on how two potential and inspiring digital and/or collaborative learning related teacher inquiry topics would contribute to your Communities of Practice. Your reflection should be based on a reflective model of your choice.
This week we ask, what is a Community of Practice? We explore some definitions and integrate these into the required blogging task, a discussion on how your possible topics for the Teacher Inquiry project plan in the RESEARCH paper are related to and could contribute to your Community of Practice.
He aha tēnei mea te Community of Practice? Mā te whai anō i ngā rangahau a Jay and Johnsons ēnei whakaaro e whai oranga anō.
Hāpori: he aha tēnei mea te hāpori, ko te whānau whānui, i te mea he kura Māori tātou ka kaha aro ki te whānau, otirā te whānau whānui. Mā te mahi tahi tātou e ora ai Wenger-Trayner and Wenger-Trayner (2015). Ka noho tā mātou kura i raro i te maru o Ngāti Toa nā tērā me kaha kite i te huarahi o te mahi tahi ki ngā tangata katoa kei te whānau whānui otirā te hāpori katoa.
Teihana 1(Whakaaturanga) E rua ngā huarahi hei aronga mōku, i te tīmatanga i aro au ki te Class Dojo me te SeeSaw heoi kua kite kāre au i tino whakamahi i te ClassDojo, heoi anō kua tīmata au ki te whakamahi i te Trello i tēnei tau, me te ngāwari hoki o te whakamahi i tēnei taupānga, ā he ngāwari te whakaemi i ngā mahi i runga ake i tēnei. Ko tā mātou i tēnei wāhanga he hāpai ake i te Trello me te SeeSaw i roto i aku akoranga katoa. I te tīmatanga he uaua he pōturi hoki nā ngā āheinga rerekē a ngā ākonga heoi i te mutunga he orite ngā mahi. Ā kua rongo i te hari o ngā mātua ki te tiro atu ki ngā mahi i taua wā tonu.
Ko tāku kua kite mō te mahi ngātahi ki ngā taiohi nei ko te noho pū ki ngā akoranga matihiko me tā rātou āheinga ki te ora i roto i tēnei ao matihiko. Nā te kaha hāpai ake o te kura katoa ki tēnei ao o Tīemiemi kua tino kite i ngā āheinga. Ko au tētahi o ngā kaiako mō ngā mahi kapa haka i roto i te kura tuatahi, ā ko Tīemiemi tā tātou huarahi hei whakairi i ngā waiata, i ngā kupu otirā ngā ā-ringa. Ko tāku e kite nei me rite matika mātou ngā kaiako, me whai wāhi ki te whakairi i ngā kōrero, e āhei ana ngā ākonga ki te whakairi i wā rātou ake kōrero, inā he whakaaro hoki wā rātou.
Ko mātou ngā kaiako katoa kei runga i te huarahi kapa haka me whai wā ia kaiako ki te whakairi i ngā ākoranga mō taua wiki, mō taua waiata, mō aua nekehanga, me kī he waka eke noa. Kua pērā hoki i roto i ngā akomanga tau 6-8 me whai wāhi ngā kaiako katoa ki te whakarite, whakawhiti kōrero ki ngā ākonga. Ko tēnei mea te CoP ki tā te tirohanga a Leffler (2015) ko te hunga e āhei ana te panoni i ngā mahi ahakoa te aha, ā e āhei ana te whai oranga i roto i tēnei ao rautau 21 arā te ao ao matihiko. Ko te hiahia kia kotahi te whakaaro, kia kotahi te aronga o ngā kaiako katoa e whai ana i tēnei huarahi mā tērā ka whai oranga ngā ākonga ki roto i ngā mahi katoa.
Teihana 2. I tēnei tau, ko te hiahia, otirā te moemoea kia aro tātou katoa ki tēnei ao matihiko i te mea koira te ao o ngā ākonga o anamata. Ka hui ngātahi mātou ia rā ahakoa te tōmuri o ētahi rānei te nuinga i ia rā, ka whai wāhi tātou katoa ki te whakawhiti kōrero mō ngā mahi o te wā. kua āhua haurua te rōpū, tokorua o mātoiu e koke rawa whakamua ana i roto i ngā mahi ā, he tokorua anō e noho ana ki tēnei ao pepa, ahakoa ka whakamahi rorohiko, ko tā rāua he kaha pūreretā i ngā mahi, me te hōhā hoki o tērā āhuatanga. Heoi koia rā te hiahia nē, kia noho ngātahi kia noho hāpori tātou katoa i roto i ngā mahi katoa ahakoa te mahi. I te mea ko tātou te hunga e ngana ana ngā practitioners Wenger-Trayner and Wenger-Trayner (2015) arā ngā kaimahi e para ana i tēnei huarahi, ko te aronga kia noho hāpori tātou katoa o Poumua hei hāpori o ngā kaimahi e para katoa ana i tēnei ao o te ao matihiko.
Ki te tiro atu tātou ki te kounga ākonga o Te Kura Māori o Porirua ko te hiahia kia tupu whakaritorito ngā ākonga i roto i ngā mahi katoa e whai ana e ia. Ko ngā pūkenga ka ako, he pūkenga hei hāpai i a ia kia tipu i roto i tōna ao i te kura, otirā tōna ao pakeke. Kia whakarite i a ia anō mō ngā rā kei tua atu o te kura, ki te hiahia whai huarahi ki ngā whare wānanga e āhei ana, ki te hiahia ki te whai mahi, ā e āhei ana hoki i tērā.
Ko te aronga o te whakamahi i te Tīemiemi me te Trello i a rātou tau 6-8 e āhei ana te whakarite, te whakaraupapa i ngā mahi, he aha ngā mahi me whakaoti i a rātou i taua wā tonu a taiho ake rā rānei. Ā ko te taha ki a Tīemiemi he wāhi kia noho ngā akoranga katoa ki tētahi wāhi. Kua kaha kite au he huarahi mutunga kore a Tīemiemi, ka pakari ake ngā āheinga ia rā, ka whakahoungia a tīemiemi i wā rātou wāhanga kia pai haere, kia ngāwari ake ngā mahi a te kaiako.
Teihana 3. Kotahi noa te aronga o te kaiako he whakaako i ngā ākonga, he tutuki pai i ngā hiahia katoa, he eke taumata anō i roto i te ao Matihiko ahakoa Māori mai ahakoa Pākehā mai. Heoi ki te aro noa ki taku taha Māori, arā te mau i ōku mōwhiti Māori nei ka āhua whānui ake ōku kitenga, ki ngā tanga katoa arā te manaakitanga, te whanaungatanga, te kaitiakitanga, te tuakana/teinatanga koira tātou e ako tonu ana i ngā pūkenga kia ora i roto i te rautau 21. Ko te mea uaua mō te taha kura Māori he whakaako i ngā tamariki me ngā taupānga reo Pākehā nei, ko te mea matua kia noho pū ki te reo Māori mā reira tātou anō e whai oranga ai. Mā tērā ka rangatira ai te whakatauki a tō tātou kura "He kura te Tangata" ko te tangata te mea nui.
Jay, J., & Johnson, K. (2002). Capturing complexity: a typology of reflective practice for teacher education. Teaching And Teacher Education, 18(1), 73-85.
Wenger-Trayner, E., & Wenger-Trayner, B. (2015). Communities of practice a brief introduction
Leffler, N: Communities of Practice need some Practice retrieved from: